
How To Build A Set Neck Guitar

Neck associates for kit guitars is fairly straightforward for the most part, but in that location are a few things you will want to avoid doing. This article covers basic data almost guitar necks including neck contour and common timbers along with some tips for assembling your guitar neck.

Set Neck vs. Bolt-On Neck

Virtually guitar kits will come as either a commodities-on or set neck. Bolt-on necks are typically used by Fender for the majority of their guitars while ready necks are generally used by Gibson (and but about everyone else for that matter).

There are plenty who credit Gibson guitars with having superior sustain and warmth and just as many people volition tell yous Fender Guitars are much brighter and more consistent when information technology comes to guitar tone.

Set necks typically are mortise-and-tenon joint fits and can really be stronger than a commodities in once finished. Almost Guitar Kit manufacturers will offer one or the other but mostly bolt-on necks for Fender style kits and ready necks for Gibson style kits.

Tight fitting neck join

To exist honest this post isn't going to argue the claim of either blazon of neck fit as both have their advantages if done correctly. Bolt-on necks are pretty straightforward and has the obvious advantage of existence replaceable should you damage the neck in whatsoever fashion.

The truth is this isn't all that common simply it is something to go along in heed.

Gear up necks, on the other manus, are more permanent (depending on your choice of gum this can be gotten around) and demand a footling more consideration when it comes to fitting and alignment, peculiarly if your neck pocket isn't a super tight fit.

Guitar Necks and Fretboard Timbers

The timber your guitar neck is constructed from will play a small-scale function in your overall sound, compared to the guitar body. All the same, it'due south fair to say that some neck timbers will let the timber used in the guitar body to contribute even more than to the guitar'southward tone.

Recommended: Guitar Tonewoods - How they bear on Tone and Playability

It certainly impacts the playability of the guitar which has an indirect influence on the tone. I accept listed some of the more popular timber strains used in kit guitars below.


A very difficult reliable timber used for both neck structure and fretboards. One of the most ordinarily used timbers in guitar neck construction, and credited with a very bright overall tone.


Typically used for the fretboard of the guitar. It's platonic for this purpose considering information technology handles human contact nicely being a more oily timber. By far the most common fretboard timber used today.


A much more expensive and frail timber that many believe is more percussive by nature. Due to its quite delicate nature, it's almost ever handcrafted and is non well suited to mass production.

Guitar Neck Profiles

If y'all are ordering a standard guitar kit the neck contour volition generally be a 'U' or 'C' shape. Below are some of the more than common neck profiles:

  • C shaped:As the name implies a common mode of guitar neck profile and considered a proficient 'all-rounder' way of the cervix.
  • Flattened C shape:A shallower version of the C contour and is quite common.
  • 5 shaped: They are typically a deeper neck than C shaped neck profiles. Shaped neck profiles are more than oft associated with vintage instruments and reissues that remain loyal to the original design.
  • U shaped: U shaped neck profiles are similar in depth to V shape profiles and are commonly seen on Telecasters®.
Recommended: The Best Neck Profiles for Large and Minor Hands

Scale Length: Measure twice, Assemble once

Scale length

If y'all are working on a ready neck (glued-in neck) put the neck in place and and then take hold of a tape measure or ruler and measure out from the inside of the nut to your 12th fret. When the neck is correctly in place the distance from the inside of the guitar nut to your bridge saddles should exist double this measurement. Brand sure you lot get this right and so mark the dorsum of the neck with a straight line to ensure you have the positioning perfect when you glue the neck in place.

You should also pop the neck pickup in identify to brand sure everything is going to fit perfectly before making this more than permanent. This should e'er be the instance when assembling a guitar, y'all desire to address any potential issues before you mucilage or practise any finishing work for that matter.

Recommended: How to Finish A DIY Guitar Kit Neck and Fretboard

Don't overdo the Glue!

It's easy to overdo this step and pack the gum in there merely this is the wrong way to get about things. You want enough glue to ensure a robust fit simply non too much that the gum volition clasp into the edges of the neck cavity getting in between your cervix and torso.

This will accept a pocket-size bear on on your tone and sustain, forest on wood is what you are going for. Ideally, you lot just want to utilize glue to the back of the neck. You should utilise equally little as possible but enough to ensure a stiff articulation. Typically a good set in the cervix volition actually be stronger than a bolt-in. There are a number of adhesives you can use, Titebond is generally accepted as one of the best to use.

Clamping, protect the body and don't over tighten

Side by side, you will need to clamp the neck and leave it to sit for at least 12 hours. Before clamping you should protect your guitar body with a timber cake and some soft fabric.

Cheque the textile you use is clean from droppings every bit you will be clamping this firmly onto your guitar and whatsoever grit or droppings is going to be forced against the body of your guitar and can damage the surface of the guitar torso.

When clamping the guitar, don't overtighten as this can squeeze the gum out of the neck crenel and leave mucilage between the side of your guitar neck and torso.

Once in place keep clamped for at least 12 hours to ensure the glue has gear up correctly (*This may vary depending on the gum you are using. If in uncertainty read the manufacturers instructions). Most of the time the neck volition be set within a few hours merely yous will be better leaving things at least overnight to really be sure.

How To Build A Set Neck Guitar,


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